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open source hardware
The Rainbow shell for CubieBoard1 and CubieBoard2

The Rainbow shell is specially designed for CubieBoard1 and CubieBoard2 which share the same PCB design. The top and bottom layers adopt transparent acrylic boards, so that the internal structure of the development board is clearly visible. The intermediate layers are stacked up with colorful acrylic boards that look like …
CC-A80 first show together with APPLE
CubieBoard4/CC-A80 in Factory
This is the true face of CT, has now come true!
How to choose storage media in Cubieboard?

We have many considerations when choose the storage media in the computer system or some other electronic equipments. As we known, storage system is really very important and essential in computer architecture. And as the open source hardware, we must consider more than traditional computer because we have to face …
DVK570 kit for Cubietruck gets ready to ship
Cubietruck is put into trial production

To cater to the majority of enthusiasts demand, Cubieteam launched the 3rd open-source hardware product Cubieboard3 which is also named Cubietruck ( CT/CB3 for short). After finishing PCB layout, we spent 3 months time in debug, development and testing, finally put it into factory trial production in early September 2013. …

Crowd funding
Since cubieboard announced, we have received more concern and demand than we expected. We had made 200 prototype boards and they have all been sold out quickly. There are more than 1000 users in our forum. And overy 4000 people subscribed to our notification list, and increasing at the speed …