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Update on Indiegogo campaign

Here is the update that was sent today to those that took part in the Indiegogo campaign. If you had selected a Rich package or a package with special delivery, then you should have already received your Cubieboard in December 2012. Another quick update, we have shipped around 1300 boards …

Tracking numbers from Indiegogo campaign are being sent

If you have participated in the Indiegogo campaign to get a Cubieboard with standard delivery, then you should be receiving your tracking number shortly. The email says Dear Name SURNAME Thank you for your support of cubieboard. We are glad to tell you that we have shipped your package by …

Status of Indiegogo campaign

Today, Indiegogo send us the mail that they have already transferred the money to our account. Congratulations on raising funds for your Indiegogo campaign, cubieboard – open ARM box. Today, Tue Nov 20, we triggered a disbursement of $69,311 to your THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION LTD bank account. …

indiegogo logo

Crowd funding

Since cubieboard announced, we have received more concern and demand than we expected. We had made 200 prototype boards and they have all been sold out quickly. There are more than 1000 users in our forum. And overy 4000 people subscribed to our notification list, and increasing at the speed …