Update on Indiegogo campaign

Here is the update that was sent today to those that took part in the Indiegogo campaign. If you had selected a Rich package or a package with special delivery, then you should have already received your Cubieboard in December 2012.

Another quick update, we have shipped around 1300 boards all together now. And the tracking numbers are sent out.
We will ship another batch today, which are those who confirm address late. There are more than 100 boards are still here waiting for their owners.
If you did not receive the tracking number or the address confirmation email, please send mail to indiegogo at cubieboard.org and query.

Therefore, if you are still expecting your Cubieboard from the Indiegogo campaign, check your e-mails for the tracking number. If you did not receive a tracking number, send an e-mail with your details (your name and e-mail address that you gave when registering for Indiegogo) to the address indiegogo at cubieboard.org.

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