CubieBoard colocation service Named Cubiebox first launched in France

Dynamic team made up of two talented individuals who are passionate about IT Technology, NanoXion is a young start-up specialising in hosting solutions in France, located in Tarbes (Hautes-Pyrénées) – FRANCE. They provide all kinds of high availability professional hosting solutions, server administration, maintenance and serverhousing service in their datacenter.

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Currently, NanoXion is the only company in France that provides a CubieBoard colocation service directly for consumers. In fact, consumers do not need to send their own CubieBoard because NanoXion can provides preconfigured CubieBoard ready for use.

NanoXion has worked out an agreement with located telecom partners to provide CubieBoard colocation. This includes unlimited traffic, ability to reboot 24×7 through their manager software, native IPv6 and pre-installation of CubieBoard servers.



Why the choice of CubieBoard hosting solution ?

More and more companies are searching flexible and better advanced evolutionary methods to manage effectively their IT infrastructure. However, the supplies are often not properly dimensioned to perform the demand,  especially for the small and very small businesses.

Indeed IT Technologies should include another aspect in their strategy and include an environment friendly approach.The current trend is towards a more efficient IT equipment to improve the global resource efficiency. IT management must now wholly participate to a “green” approach or risk becoming a weak link in eco-responsibility chain of the company.



Nanotechnology has improved the chip technological design. Development board Cubieboard is small (less than palm size),  compact, energy-saving and environmental-friendly with the help of high integration and high performance dual-core main control chip. It also uses DDR3 1G memory and ARM contex-A7 dual-core architecture. The CPU frequency is up to 1Ghz and the operating power consumption is less than one percent of ordinary PC. So it is an excellent choice as a small dedicated server. As the small-sized version of IT service equipment, Cubieboard can work individually or in the combination of multiple ones according to the server operating environment requirements.

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Some technical features 

NanoXion has developed its own monitoring tools that is not based on proprietary solutions. These tools are written in PHP, Shell, WLanguage and other web technologies. The whole process of running CubieBoard in their computer racks is controlled by their own manager (codenamed “Infinity”).

Power supplies have been resized to accommodate their racks. NanoXion completely redesigned its rack infrastructure to save time and improve flexibility. Each rack has two sensors : one for temperature and one for humidity. The temperature sensors are present to make sure that the rack is functioning properly and to provide warnings of emerging risks. They are also very careful with security : tracking MAC addresses, IP addresses and network paths.

NanoXion offers customers a control panel to manage their CubieBoard. This panel includes graphs of bandwidth, power management and SSH access. NanoXion provides dedicated solutions based on server-oriented Linux Debian ARM HF distributions, specifically optimised for hosting solutions.

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Service level commitment

NanoXion operates with the fibre optic Public Initiative Network (PIN) implemented in the Hautes-Pyrénées. They provide a high quality service, thanks to their secure datacenter that has an uptime of 99.977% (corresponding to an unplanned downtime maximum of 2 hours a year), close proximity of the technical team, a global 24/7 technical support in case of critical issues and proactive infrastructure monitoring.

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Their secure and reliable professional hosting environment ensures their NX-BOX service has guaranteed quality of service and security. The entire architecture has been redesigned to achieve the best possible performance.

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That’s the reason why NanoXion would like to launch its own colocation service with “NX-BOX”,  drawing on CubieBOX technology for example.

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This new hosting solution allows to provide an efficient, dedicated and unexpensive solution, participating on the basis of sustainable development principles thanks to their energy savings.

NanoXion commented, first of all, they want to stimulate digital development, by offering to everyone a secure environment to develop and implement groundbreaking belongings in this digital world.

They are also curious to observe what role these compact and energy efficient devices can fulfill in a professional hosting environment.

The NanoXion Team

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NanoXion加入了在法国塔布实施的光纤公共倡议网络(PIN)。他们提供优质的服务,他们的安全的数据中心能够保证99.977%正常运行时间(对应于计划外停机时间每年最多2小时) ,过硬的技术团队作为后盾,支持关键问题和监控基础设施。他们的安全和可靠的专业的托管环境,确保他们的NX -BOX服务,保证了服务的质量和安全。他们对整个架构进行了重新设计,以达到最佳的性能。

目前, NanoXion是法国唯一一家用Cubieboard直接为消费者提供托管服务的IT公司,是ARM进军服务器领域的佼佼者。NanoXion与当地的电信部门签订了合作协议,提供CubieBoard托管服务,并且不限流量。专门定制的管理软件和稳定的CubieBoard性能能够保证服务器的全天侯工作。建立了能够高效处理包括家庭服务器在内的各种服务器托管及维护的数据中心。




纳米技术提升了芯片工艺设计,搭乘高集成度、高性能的双核主控芯片的开发板Cubieboard,不但体积小巧(不到手掌大小)、结构紧凑、节能环保。并采用了DDR3的1G内存;采用ARM contex-A7 双核架构,CPU主频达到1Ghz;运行功耗不到普通PC机的百分之一,是绝佳的专用小型服务器的不二选择。Cubieboard作为瘦身版的IT服务设备,可根据服务器运行环境需要,单个或多个进行任意组合。




CubieBox为客户提供一个控制面板来管理用户的CubieBoard。此面板包括带宽监控,电源管理和SSH访问的图形。NanoXion提供基于面向服务器的Linux Debian的ARM高频分布,专门为托管优化的提供专用解决方案。


NanoXion加入了在法国塔布实施的光纤公共倡议网络(PIN)。他们提供优质的服务,他们的安全的数据中心能够保证99.977%正常运行时间(对应于计划外停机时间每年最多2小时) ,过硬的技术团队作为后盾,支持关键问题和监控基础设施。他们的安全和可靠的专业的托管环境,确保他们的NX -BOX服务,保证了服务的质量和安全。他们对整个架构进行了重新设计,以达到最佳的性能。






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